The city of Braga

With over 2000 years of history, Braga is the oldest city in Portugal. Charming and interesting, it currently has a medieval and religious setting that blends with a young and entrepreneurial vibe. Located in the north of the country, it is the capital of the Minho region and was highlighted as the European Capital of Youth in 2012. Only a 40-minute drive from Porto, it is a Portuguese city you need to visit if you have a free day in your itinerary. Before its foundation by the Romans between the years 136 B.C. and 14 A.D., there were already Celtic peoples living in the region who were known as Brácaros. After conquests and battles, the emperor Cesar Augustus ordered the reorganization of the city and renamed it Bracara Augusta. The goal was to spread the Christian religion and the Roman way of life in the Iberian Peninsula. Given its history, to this day it celebrates annually the traditional festival "Braga Romana" where the city goes back to its roots and remembers Bracara Augusta. Braga's long history is visible in its monuments and churches, the Cathedral being the most imposing one that displays various styles, from Roman to Baroque, also boasting splendid houses, particularly from the 18th century. Braga's long history is visible in its monuments and churches, the Cathedral being the most imposing, displaying various styles, from Romanesque to Baroque, also boasting splendid houses, particularly from the 18th century. Who passes through Braga has the possibility to attend a diversified tourist-cultural program, making a documented civilizational journey from Prehistory to our days and live the authentic culture of Minho, recorded in the vast heritage, in the ethnographic groups, in the festivals, fairs and pilgrimages, as well as in the rich and varied handicraft.

Avenida da Liberdade

Porta Nova Arch

Santa Barbara Garden

Ray Palace



The gastronomy in Braga is rich and diverse, with delicious traditional dishes such as cozido à portuguesa, arroz de pato and francesinha. In addition, the city is famous for its sweets, such as the Abade de Priscos pudding and sweet chestnuts. Local restaurants offer an authentic dining experience, with fresh ingredients and local produce.

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Duck Rice


Pudding à Bade de Priscos